​ Natural Treatments to Help Kidney Disease in Cats

​ Natural Treatments to Help Kidney Disease in Cats

Posted by Jewel on Oct 05, 2023

Taking care of our be­loved pets is crucial for their overall health and happiness. In the field of pet care, holistic approaches have gained significant recognition for their effectiveness in addressing a wide range of health concerns.

One common concern for cat owners is the development of kidney disease. Studies show that approximately 1 in 3 cats and 1 in 10 dogs will experience kidney disease at some stage in their lives. However, there's good news: there are natural remedie­s and treatments available that can have a significant impact on managing and even alleviating kidne­y disease symptoms in cats.

At Holistic Pet Care­, we are dedicated to finding alternative and natural solutions to improve the health and lifespan of our pets. With years of experience, we offer reliable insights into natural reme­dies for pets. We have witnessed the transformative­ power of these tre­atments, particularly in cats with kidney disease­.

You might be wondering, why should we contemplate natural reme­dies for our kitties kidney problems?

The answer is that traditional treatments often bring along side effects and may not always tackle­ the underlying causes of the issue. Meanwhile, natural approaches strive to restore balance in your cat's body, enhancing its innate healing capacity.

What Causes Of Chronic Kidney Disease In Cats?

Over my 40-year journey as a holistic health practitioner, I've had the privilege of observing and addressing myriad health issues in our feline companions. Remarkably, many of these factors are tied to the diet, particularly the practice of feeding cats kibble.

One of the other primary contributors to chronic kidney disease in cats is the advent of certain household chemicals, pesticides, vaccines and drugs and other toxins. These harmful substances can also find their way into commercial cat foods, especially in low-quality kibble. Cats consuming kibble and canned cat foods are exposed to additives, preservatives, and low-grade ingredients that can tax their kidneys over time, even if no other harmful chemicals are in their environment. These toxins can accumulate in the body, leading to long-term kidney damage.

Furthermore, frequent UTI infections are another factor that can lead to chronic kidney issues in cats. Kibble feeding can indirectly influence a cat's susceptibility to these type of infections.

Cats are obligate carnivores whose natural diet consists of high-protein, moisture-rich raw prey. Unfortunately, kibble is often high in carbohydrates and lacks the hydration necessary to maintain proper kidney function. This can weaken the immune system, making cats more vulnerable to infections that may contribute to kidney problems.

The inflammation of the glomeruli, a crucial part of the kidney's filtration system, is yet another concern. While there can be various causes for this inflammation, dietary factors play a significant role. High-carbohydrate diets can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels. Over time, these fluctuations can result in inflammation, ultimately affecting the kidneys' ability to filter waste products effectively.

Diagnosing Kidney Disease In Cats

Diagnosing kidney disease in cats can be complex. This is because symptoms can present themselves in various ways. Kidney disease can be a silent predator, with degenerative changes occurring gradually over the years, sometimes without overt signs.

However, when symptoms do manifest, they serve as crucial indicators for diagnosis.

  • Increased drinking and urination. This occurs when the kidneys try to filter waste products from the bloodstream efficiently.
  • Decreased appetite. Cats with kidney disease may lose interest in their food or eat significantly less than usual. This reduced appetite can occur due to the buildup of waste products in the bloodstream, leading to nausea and general discomfort.
  • Lethargy and a gradual loss of energy. These can result from toxins accumulated in the body due to impaired kidney function. As these toxins build up, they can affect various organ systems, leading to a noticeable decrease in the cat's overall activity and vitality.
  • Weight loss. As the body struggles to maintain its normal functions, cats may begin to lose weight amid their decreased appetite. This weight loss can be a clear indication that something is amiss.

Natural Remedies For Effective Kidney Support For Cats

Exploring natural supplements and dietary choices can play a pivotal role in maintaining the health of pets. I've come to appreciate the profound impact of carefully chosen supplements and nutrition on a cat's overall health.

Species Appropriate Nutrition

The cornerstone of kidney support for cats lies in their diet. Cats are obligate carnivores, and their bodies are designed to thrive on a raw meat diet rich in high-quality protein.

The effect of consuming overly cooked or processed food is akin to receiving no true or live nutrition. Cats rely on the nutrients and enzymes present in their food to thrive. When their meals lack these vital elements, their bodies deplete their nutrient and enzyme reserves to compensate. This can lead to a continual state of nutrient deficiency, leaving the cat's body hungry for the quality nutrients it craves.

Therefore, raw feeding can provide cats with the live, bioavailable nutrients they need to support their kidney health.

I would recommend a veterinarian diagnoses if your cat is having urinary issues. Always get a veterinarian check at any sign of trouble, preferably a holistic vet that understands proper species appropriate diet.

Colloidal Silver

Our HighVibe Silver is a helpful preventative for dealing with a kidney infection or a UTI. It is administered daily as an immune booster, or treatment. Silver can be replaced with their water bowl if they are drinking while treating the kidneys or UTI. Oftentimes our cat parents add some no salt tuna or sardine juice or bone broth with the silver so they will readily lap it up.


While it's important to clarify that CBD oil does not cure kidney disease in cats, it has shown promise in providing comfort and relief. Derived from the hemp plant, CBD oil has anti-inflammatory properties that may help alleviate discomfort associated with kidney issues. It can also have a calming effect on anxious or stressed cats, contributing to their overall well-being. However, a veterinarian should discuss its usage to ensure it complements the cat's treatment plan.

These natural treatments offer a holistic approach to kidney support and general health for cats. When integrated into a comprehensive care plan that includes regular veterinary check-ups, they can enhance the quality of life for cats with kidney issues.

We recommend always consulting with a veterinarian before introducing remedies to your cat's routine to ensure they are safe and appropriate for your pet's needs.


A daily probiotic with enzymes for cats helps with cat the sensitive stomach and organ issues that the typical cat food diet can cause. Cats with kidney disease may experience gastrointestinal issues like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Probiotics help promote the growth of beneficial bacteria, which alleviate some of these symptoms.

Also, a healthy gut microbiome is closely linked to a strong immune system. Probiotics will boost immune function in cats. This will potentially assist their bodies in managing the inflammatory response associated with kidney disease.

Herbal Remedies

Herbal supplements form an integral part of healing mechanisms for pets. They are based on the principle that nature provides a vast array of plant-based substances with healing properties.

For example, herbal kidney tonics are formulations crafted from specific herbs known for their potential to promote kidney health. These herbs are carefully selected for their ability to assist in maintaining kidney function and supporting overall renal well-being.

Also, kidney granular supplements can provide targeted nutritional support to the kidneys. These supplements often contain a blend of vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts that are believed to support kidney function.

We recommend and support - Pet Health and Nutrition Center for Quality Herbal Supplements



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