Nebulizing With Colloidal Silver
Posted by Rhonda Jewel on Sep 18, 2021
Silver has been used to kill over 650 different types of pathogens. It addresses so many different types of microorganisms including the most common bacteria, viruses and fungus. Forms of silver has been used for this purpose for centuries all over the world.
During the colder months of winter, pets as well as their people are at an increased risk for winter illnesses from viruses that cause respiratory issues other diseases.
Not only can pets benefit from colloidal silver but many pet owners are using silver daily as well. Respiratory issues especially benefit from nebulizing silver. Because lungs and the immune system is compromised, the extra silver support one gets using the nebulizer can really be helpful if it is inhaled in this way.
Due to the fact that colloidal silver is a powerful antiviral and antibacterial one of the most wonderful uses for nanoparticle silver is to nebulize it as a daily treatment for respiratory concerns.
Nebulizing with silver has also shown to have been useful as an additional treatment for lung cancer.
The pathogens that colloidal silver addresses can be either viral or bacterial from a respiratory infection or other lung issue. Colloidal silver has been shown to be effective way to treat the pathogens that cause acute and chronic respiratory problems after studies have shown that traditional prescribed antibiotic medication is not working.
You can use or give your pet colloidal silver as a daily oral supplement to support their immune system. However, most pet owners don’t realize it is completely safe to nebulize silver for both people and pets as needed— studies have verified that colloidal silver is safe for lung cells. Doing both— a daily dose of colloidal silver for immune support plus occasionally using colloidal silver in the nebulizer can help you and your furry family to stay supported against illness.
This is because nebulizing colloidal silver is the fastest way to get the silver microparticles into the bloodstream. Used in this way the nanoparticles circumvent the whole digestive system and go directly into the lungs where they are absorbed into the body via the bloodstream.
Nebulizing colloidal silver is by far, one of the most effective ways of healing the lungs naturally, but also an effective way to get silver into the bloodstream quickly for added immune support.
To nebulize your cat or dog with colloidal silver, it might be easier to have them in a crate for the 5 minutes involved.
Most portable nebulizers hold about 1 teaspoon of colloidal silver in the cup that comes with it. With the nebulizer on the high setting, this will be about 5 minutes of vaporized silver.
Get your pet into his or her crate and cover with a blanket or sheet. Then hold the nebulizer wand in hand or attach to front of crate and allow the mist to go directly into their nose or mouth if possible.
If you start to nebulize colloidal silver for your pet or for yourself at the first symptom of any type of respiratory problems, all you’ll need is one to two - 5-minute nebulizing sessions a day. If the issue is more serious, nebulizing 3 or more times a day is most ideal.
Remember, nebulizing colloidal silver is not the only form of treatment for lung or respiratory concerns. Ideally you are trying to build up the immune system several different ways. For carnivore pets this includes the optimal species appropriate diet, probiotics, medicinal mushrooms, colostrum and glandular supplements.
For us people certain supplements can really help as well.
Such as:
- Elderberry: helps to destroy viruses & get rid of congestion in the lungs.
- Vitamin D-3: is essential for proper calcium absorption and excellent for immune support.
- Medicinal mushrooms: Adding a spoonful of mushroom powder daily to support the immune system. Turkey tail especially contains a unique compound that stimulates the immune system.
- Oregano Oil: Also has great antibacterial properties.
- Probiotics: aids in gut health and respiratory infections.
- Vitamin C: boosts entire immune system
- Zinc: boosts immune system and works together along with vitamin C.
- NAC: helps to rid mucous and improves cough.
- Echinacea: taken as tincture- is a great antiviral properties and super immune support.
- Astragalus: tea, tincture- herbally boosts immune system, helps to fight infections.
Colloidal silver doesn’t interfere with other drugs being given/taken or antibiotics, so it’s safe to use together with your current medications.
With a nebulizer, You can get colloidal silver deep into your dog or cats lungs when they are able to get several deep inhales where their immune system is fighting off those bacteria and viruses. However, with using a nebulizer you can also get colloidal into other parts of the respiratory system such as the pet’s nose, sinuses, and throat—where some infections start before heading to the lungs.
Watch the following video about how to Nebulize a cat:
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