There is not an exact dosage of colloidal silver. Below are some guidelines for amounts to give for treating some kind of health condition- however, colloidal silver is not dose specific as some other information I have seen on the internet seems to make you think it is. When your pet is dealing with an acute condition they can have much higher doses of the silver for short term for helping to cure something specific with no ill effects.
There is not an exact dosage of colloidal silver. Below are some guidelines for amounts to give for treating some kind of health condition- however, colloidal silver is not dose specific as some other information I have seen on the internet seems to make you think it is. When your pet is dealing with an acute condition they can have much higher doses of the silver for short term for helping to cure something specific with no ill effects.
2 lbs to 10 lbs - 1 tsp - or half of 10ml syringe two to three times a day for 2 weeks or more
11 lbs to 25 lbs - 1 1/3 tsp
26 lbs to 40 lbs - 2 tsp or 10 ml (one syringe) two to three times a day for 2 weeks or more
41lbs to 55 lbs - 2 1/2 tsp
56 lbs to 80 lbs - 3 tsp, two to three times a day for 2 weeks or more
81 lbs to 100 lbs - 3 1/2 tsp, two to three times a day for 2 weeks or more
101 lbs to 150 lbs - 4 tsp, two to three times a day for for 2 weeks or more
151 lbs to 200+ - 4 tsp, (2 syringeful) two to three times a day for for 2 weeks or more
For people I recommend for maintenance use an ounce two times a day. I take it after brushing my teeth. About an ounce in my mouth after brushing. Swish around for a minute or two and then shallow.
Some people or with your pets, when first ingesting Colloidal Silver, have the experience that is called the Herxheimer effect.
This experience is a result of the silver very efficiently killing off pathogens too fast for the body to dispose of through the normal eliminative organs. This forces the body to utilize the secondary eliminative organs: the lungs, sinuses and skin.
Sometimes a person who ingests Colloidal Silver for the first time will experience what feels like a cold or the flu (or diarrhea). This can be stopped by cutting back on the dosage (or completely abstaining for a day or so), or prevented by starting with a small dose ( maybe start with 1 teaspoon twice a day) and gradually increasing the dosage.
Some people even find they need to start off at first with just a few drops. People who are trying to self-treat a significant health condition (like asthma, or an internal infection) may need to work up to fairly large quantities each day (4 to 6 oz 2-3 times per day) before they see an improvement. There are no known instances of anyone overdosing with clear Colloidal Silver.
Colloidal Silver Overview
Yes, colloidal silver has many, many other uses that will allow you to safely and effectively protect yourself and your family from infectious microorganisms and disease.
Indeed, there’s no other all-natural antimicrobial substance on the face of the earth that can compare to it.
It has already been well established that the metal, silver, that you make jewelry out of, has a somewhat unique property: It kills nearly all pathogens on contact.
We say, “nearly all” because it doesn’t kill absolutely every single pathogen. There are 5 or 6 bacteria that are not only not killed by silver, they LIKE silver, they EAT it. You will see some of these bacteria, for example, involved in the tarnish that accrues on the surface of silverware or silver jewelry (along with oxidation). But none of these bacteria hurt human beings.
There are also some fungi that silver does not readily kill. I have read claims that silver only kills “unfriendly” bacteria and not “friendly” bacteria, but this is not true. Try to make yogurt with milk into which you have poured colloidal silver! It won’t work, because the silver killed the “friendly” acidophilus bacteria. Besides, the labels of “friendly” and “unfriendly” are defined by these pathogens being convenient or inconvenient to us humans.
We have heard that there have been references found in ancient Chinese writings of it being recommended by a Chinese health practitioner that a piece of silver jewelry be pressed against an infected wound to fight the infection.
It is generally believed that the Royal Families in Europe would mechanically grind up silver into a powder and stir it into wine or water and drink it to protect against sickness. Obviously, they wouldn’t have known about germs and viruses, but they would have noticed that those who drank this silver-powder didn’t get sick as often as the non-Royalty common folks (who couldn’t afford to drink silver-powder).
This in addition to the fact that they ate off silver plates, drank from silver cups and ate with genuine "silverware".
So, let us start at a basic beginning. If you put silver of any type, form or shape into the presence of and in contact with almost any kind of pathogens, the silver will kill them to one degree or another.
At today’s prices, grinding up silver and drinking it would be quite expensive. So, nowadays, we dissolve silver using electricity, which makes the silver particles quite small. It’s possible to break up silver by dissolving it in an acid, but the acid residue is not considered to be a healthy substance, and the silver particles are very unstable, falling out of suspension easily.
We recently completed an extensive review of the scientific literature on the safety of silver, especially as it relates to its one known potential side effect, namely, Argyria.
Our note on ‘Argyria’ or turning blue from Colloidal Silver use:
Argyria is an irreversible discoloration of the pigment (skin) caused by excessive silver intake or chronic exposure to silver by certain tissues. The amount of silver required to develop Argyria is estimated to be 3.8 grams per day. By comparison standard 10 ppm colloidal silver contains silver in amounts equaling less than 1 milligram of silver (1,000 micrograms = 1 milligram; 1,000 milligrams - 1 gram), which therefore represents an amount approximately 1/500th to 1/1000th of the amount of silver considered to be a risk in the development of Argyria.
Most cases of Argyria reported in the medical literature over the last 100 years involved chronic intravenous or intramuscular use of the silver preparations, most often involving a silver drug prescribed by physicians which in most cases contained silver nitrate. Other cases of Argyria reported in the medical literature involve application of silver preparations used for many months or years in the treatment of the eye or vagina for certain diseases.
We could not locate a single case of orally consumed colloidal silver manufactured in the last 25 years causing Argyria in our review of the literature.” Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D. Director, Life Sciences Division John Hopkins University [From the article, “The Final Word on Silver Toxicity”, from Metabolic Solutions Institute]
Nanosilver is considered to be more effective than colloidal silver because the silver particles are small enough to pass through the walls of the body’s cells (what Dr. Demling calls “metastable”), enabling it to get to the places viruses like to hide. Colloidal silver particles are too large to do that. The strength of a silver preparation is measured in what is termed, “ppm”, which stands for “parts-per-million”. Now, you would get the impression that ppm stood for parts of one thing in proportion to parts of another thing, but that is not correct. In the scientific world, the term, “parts-per-million”, actually represents a ratio of one thing to another, not the number of parts. You could have one lump of silver at the bottom of a container of water and still have 40 ppm. It is not a unit measurement, it is a ratio measurement.
When brewing colloidal or nanosilver, there is a limit to how much silver can be dissolved into a quantity of water before it reaches a certain saturation point. After this point, the silver particles begin to aggregate together because the water is saturated with silver particles. Although there is disagreement on exactly when this point is reached, it is generally considered to be at about 20-30 ppm.
This saturation limit is affected by things like water pH, temperature, etc. Silver preparation products that are advertised as being 50, 100, 500 or even 1,000 ppm are not nanosilver. 20 ppm colloidal silver and 20 ppm nanosilver have the same amount of silver in them, but the nanosilver has many more particles of silver, which are just as lethal to microbes as the larger colloidal particles. These nanometer particles also go places the larger colloidal particles can't.
Colloidal silver particles will float around in the blood stream and will kill any pathogens they come in contact with. But viruses like to hide inside the cells in our bodies, and colloidal silver particles are too big to pass through the walls of the cells. However, nanosilver particles go wherever the water goes, which includes inside the cells in our bodies.
99 Amazing Uses For Colloidal Silver
How to use the world's most powerful all-natural anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral disinfectant to keep your family safe and infection-free at home
- Use it yourself for immune boosting as well-everyone knows by now that small amounts of colloidal silver can be ingested daily to boost immunity, or to rapidly and effectively heal bacterial, viral or fungal infections
- Add to fish tanks for keeping fish healthy
- Keeps plaque off teeth for people and pets
- Spray on hot-spots on dogs for instant relief and healing
- Mix with vinegar and essential oils to repel fleas
- Can be given to sick animals straight - just put in water bowl and allow them to drink. Make CS available, they will drink what they need. You can provide them with unlimited CS. without concern.
- Cancer- can be given to help with getting cancer in remission given in high doses.
- Helps relieve cystitis and urinary tract infections
- Feline Herpes ( other types of human herpes as well)
- You can put a few drops in your eyes to eliminate stys, Pink Eye and other eye infections virtually overnight.
- You can put a few drops in your ears to eliminate earaches in a single day or two
- You can spray it on cuts and scrapes to prevent infection and stimulate rapid healing
- You can spray it on burns to soothe the skin and stimulate rapid healing
- You can spray it on shingles infections to quickly relieve the pain and trigger rapid healing
- You can spray it on insect bites to soothe and relieve the pain, and help prevent infection from setting in
- Use it for even serious infections like MRSA or Swine Flu (see http://www.colloidalsilvercuresmrsa.com and https://www.colloidalsilverkillsviruses.com
- Colloidal silver can also be used topically on cuts, burns and abrasions to stop infection dead in its tracks and to dramatically stimulate the healing process.
- It can be sniffed up the nose to stop pesky sinus infections like magic…it can be gargled with to stop nasty sore throats …or it can be inhaled into the lungs using a pump spray bottle to stop even the most serious of lung infections.
- Add to suspected drinking water when traveling or camping.
- Silver-sprayed burns heal rapidly without scarring.
- Safely sterilize anything from toothbrushes to surgical instruments.
- Use topically on cuts, wounds, abrasions, rashes, sunburn, insect bites, razor nicks and bandages.
- Spray on garbage to prevent decay odors.
- Mist kitchen sponges
- Use on towels
- Spray on cutting boards to eliminate E. Coli and salmonella bacteria to prevent food poisoning
- Helps gastrointestinal inflammation
- Add when canning, preserving or bottling.
- Use like peroxide on zits and acne.
- Add to juices to last longer
- Add to milk to prevent spoiling, fermenting, deteriorating, clabbering or curdling.
- Spray in shoes and between toes to stop most skin itch, athletes foot and fungi.
- Diminish dandruff- add to your shampoo
- Spray on psoriasis, skin rashes, etc.
- Add to bath water, gargle,
- Douches with it for vaginal infections, yeast etc.
- Use for colon irrigation
- Great nasal spray for sinus infections.
- Add to your dental water-pic solutions.
- Cuts downtime dramatically from colds, flu, pneumonia, staph, strep, respiratory infections and rhino viruses.
- Skin itch, eye irritation or infection (dilute a small amount with an equal amount of distilled water for eye use) and ear infections (warm slightly first)
- some moles and warts vanish (put on bandaid pad and wear on wart overnight each night until gone).
- Use with Q-tips on fingernail, toenail, and ear fungi.
- Can impede tooth decay and bad breath.
- Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, Colloidal Silver never permits strain-resistant pathogens to evolve.
- Toothaches, mouth sores, bacterial irritations are diminished.
- Soak dentures.
- Spray refrigerator, freezer and food storage bin interiors.
- Mix in postage stamp, envelope, and tape moistening wells, paint and paste pots to prevent bacterial growth, odors, spoiling or souring.
- Add to water-based paints, wallpaper paste, dishwater, cleaning and mopping solutions, etc. Spray pet bedding and let dry.
- Spray on top of contents of opened jam, jelly, and condiment containers and inside lids before replacing.
- Mix a little in pet water, birdbaths, cut flower vases to keep water fresh and long lasting
- Add to swamp cooler water.
- Spray air conditioner filters after cleaning.
- Swab air ducts and vents to prevent breeding sites for germs.
- Use routinely in laundry final rinse water and always before packing away seasonal clothes. Damp clothes or towels and washcloths will not sour or mildew.
- Eliminate unwanted microorganisms in planter soils and hydroponics systems.
- Spray plant foliage to stop fungi, molds, rot, powdery mildew and most plant diseases.
- Silver is an excellent plant-growth stimulator.
- Treat pools, fountains, humidifiers, Jacuzzis, hot tubs, baths, dishwashers, re-circulating cooling tower water, gymnasium foot dips, and bath and shower mats.
- Spray inside shoes, watch bands and gloves and under fingernails periodically.
- Treat shower stalls, tubs, fonts, animal watering troughs, shavers to avoid trading germs.
- Rinse fruit and vegetables before storing or using.
- Put in cooking water.
- Add to human and animal shampoos and they become disinfectants.
- Spray on carpets as an anti-bacterial
- Spray on drapes and wallpaper to keep from mildewing.
- Wipe telephone mouthpieces, pipe stems, headphones, hearing aids, eyeglass frames etc.
- Disinfecting hairbrushes, combs and loofas.
- Excellent for diapers and diaper rash. Do toilet seats, bowls, tile floors, sinks, urinals, door knobs.
- Kills persistent odors.
- Rinse invalid's pillowcases, sheets, towels and bedclothes.
- You can drink a few teaspoons full a day to prevent infections if prone to them
- You can drink several ounces at a time to rapidly eliminate food poisoning or other “tummy bugs”.
- . You can brush your teeth with it to prevent decay and bacterial plaque buildup
- You can put it into a spray bottle and “huff” it deeply into your lungs to help quickly heal nasty upper respiratory infections (or use a nebulizer).
- You can soak your feet in it to eliminate athlete’s foot and toenail fungus (or wear socks soaked in CS). Or put it on a cotton ball, place on toenail, cover with a finger cot and sleep with it overnight
- You can lightly spray it on your hair after washing and drying, to eliminate dandruff. (Dr. Balch says many cases of dandruff are simply topical Candida Yeast infections; and silver is astonishingly effective against this fungus.)
- Drinking Water Dispensers – The reservoir or holding tank in your bottled drinking water dispenser is largely unseen, and can easily become contaminated with bacteria or mold. To help prevent this potentially serious problem, add 1 tblsp. of colloidal silver per gallon of water each time you change bottles.
- Food Leftovers – Food poisoning is serious business. Thousands of Americans die from it every year. Restaurant leftovers are particularly susceptible to bacterial contamination, especially if the food sat in the car very long after leaving the restaurant. Use a pump spray bottle to lightly spray leftovers with colloidal silver, to keep them fresh longer. This works well for leftover pet foods, and household leftovers, too.
- Canning and Preserves – To prevent mold and fermentation when canning and making preserves, simply add 1 tsp. of colloidal silver per quart to your jars before sealing.
- Underneath Kitchen and Bathroom Sinks – Lightly spray colloidal silver under your kitchen and bathroom sinks, to prevent mold and mildew, and to disinfect and eliminate musty smells. Be sure to ventilate and let dry thoroughly.
- Steaming Floors- We have a steamer that we steam our floors with every 2 weeks. Especially because we have raw fed dogs that drag bones around once in a while. It kills bacteria and even flea larva on carpets if you have cats or dogs harboring fleas.
- Mopping – Even well-rinsed mops can harbor bacterial and mold, which you can inadvertently spread all over your floors when mopping. Help keep your mop free from potentially harmful microbial growth by adding ½ cup of colloidal silver to your mop water as a safe, powerful antimicrobial.
- Toilet Bowls and Tanks – Toilet tanks can harbor a plethora of pathogens, which in turn will contaminate your toilet bowl. You can easily disinfect both by adding a cup of colloidal silver inside the toilet tank once a week.
- Toilet Seats and Handles – These are probably the most bacterially contaminated surfaces in your entire house. Between regular cleanings, lightly spray colloidal silver onto toilet seats and handles in order to prevent excessive microbial buildup. Allow it to air dry.
- The Floor Around Your Toilets – It is likely that the floor around the toilets in your home harbor more bacteria and other pathogens than any other visible surface in the house. After all, every time you flush your toilet, many thousands of extremely fine droplets of toilet water are sprayed up into the air in an invisible mist. These droplets fall to the ground, and can harbor millions of intestinal bacteria. To prevent excessive bacterial buildup on the floors around your toilet, lightly spray colloidal silver onto the floor around busy toilets in between your regular cleanings. Allow it to air dry.
- Toilet Brushes – Have you ever found one of your young children sitting on the bathroom floor playing with the toilet brush? Yecch. You’d be hard-pressed to find a bathroom implement with more germs on it. Be sure to disinfect your toilet brushes after each use by spraying them thoroughly with colloidal silver. Do the same thing every time you clean your bathrooms.
- Bathroom Plunger – Like your toilet brush, your bathroom plunger is probably rife with invisible microbial growth. Simply spraying the plunger with colloidal silver after each use, and during your normal bathroom cleaning, will go a long way toward stopping the spread of microbes in your bathrooms.
- Jacuzzis and Hot Tubs – Many forms of bacteria and mold are becoming resistant to chlorine and bromine. You can enhance the antibacterial and antifungal effectiveness of either of these popular disinfectants simply by adding a small amount of colloidal silver to your Jacuzzi or hot tub once a week. Just add 1 tblsp per gallon of water. Many hot tub owners go completely chlorine and bromine-free simply by adding a half gallon of homemade colloidal silver to their Jacuzzi or hot tub, and then adding a quart a week afterwards. It works like a charm, and unlike harsh pool chemicals, it’s great for the skin!
- Kitchen and Bathroom Sponges – Kitchen and bathroom sponges are notorious bacterial vectors, so be extra sure to spray them with colloidal silver after each use, especially in warm or humid weather.
- Kitchen Cutting Boards – The debate has raged for several decades now over which type of cutting board harbors more bacteria – wood or plastic. Thanks to colloidal silver, you won’t have to worry about either. Just wash and rinse your cutting board as usual after each use, then spray lightly with colloidal silver and allow it to air dry.
- Mold on Walls and Ceilings – Mold is a common and potentially dangerous problem in homes, particularly in humid and coastal areas. To dramatically retard the growth of mold and mildew in your home, lightly spray colloidal silver onto the walls and ceilings in your bathroom, basement or other rooms where mold growth is a problem, particularly in corners and along seam lines where the walls and ceiling meet. Ventilate these areas to allow the colloidal silver to dry. Repeat weekly where necessary. It works like a charm!
- Counter Tops – Countertops in your home can harbor far more bacteria than you may think, even if you clean them frequently. But you can alleviate this problem simply by spraying them lightly with colloidal silver and allowing them to air dry, or by wiping them with a cloth that has been soaked in colloidal silver, and wait six minutes before drying with a dry towel.
- Door Knobs and Other Contact Surfaces – Similarly, you can spray colloidal silver lightly on your door knobs and other contact surfaces, in order to reduce the buildup and spread of microbes throughout your home.
- Toothbrush – We’ve often stated that next to your kitchen can opener, your toothbrush is probably the filthiest implement in your home, in terms of the potential for microbial contamination. Of course, cleaning and rinsing your toothbrush after each use alleviates a large part of this problem. Go one step further by lightly spraying the bristles and handle with colloidal silver after each usage, and microbial overgrowth will never be a worry again.
- Kitchen Can Opener – Several studies have shown that the can opener is generally the #1 filthiest implement in your house. That’s why regular cleaning of the handle and rotary blade is a must, and why most kitchen can openers allow for the handle and rotary blade to be easily removed for cleaning. After cleaning and drying you can go one step further by lightly spraying the handle and rotary blade with colloidal silver, and allowing it to air dry before reattaching it to the mainframe.
- Water Pic or Other Oral Irrigator – To prevent bacterial buildup in your oral irrigator, and to help further limit bacterial and plaque buildup around your teeth and gums, add 15 to 30 drops of colloidal silver to the reservoir of your oral irrigator every time you use it.
You'll find that a spray or misting bottle of Colloidal Silver solution may be the most useful health enhancement tool in your environment. There are literally thousands of other essential uses for this odorless, nearly tasteless and colorless, totally benign, powerful, non-toxic antimicrobial healing agent.
Whenever someone in your household has a cold or flu, it’s definitely prudent to use a good, liquid antimicrobial soap as a topical disinfectant whenever you wash your hands, and then add an antimicrobial gel to your hands after washing them, for added protection throughout the day.
Because as the experts are constantly pointing out, hand-to-hand spread of viruses and germs are the most common route of infection. So washing with liquid antimicrobial soap, and afterwards adding a good antimicrobial gel to your hands will give you some serious protection when you’re around anyone who is sickly. Instead of using chemical antimicrobial soap- just get a good organic or natural liquid soap in a pump dispenser bottle and add colloidal silver.
I like to purchase organic soaps that come in a pump dispenser bottle, because you can easily remove the lid, add an ounce or two colloidal silver (about two tablespoons per each four ounces of soap), then put the lid back on and shake it well until the colloidal silver is thoroughly mixed into the soap. This adds some serious antimicrobial fire-power to your organic soap. I do the same with dish soap.
Topical Gels With Colloidal Silver
You can make a colloidal silver gel. Mix half and half with a good aloe vera gel. You can use on cuts scrapes etc. or just rub the gel onto your hands for a nice disinfectant gel. You have the added protection of silver for hours on end to help stop viruses and bacteria from living on your hands and being spread by touch to your eyes, ears, nose or mouth. In short, by using a good silver-based topical disinfectant gel at least several times a day (three or four times a day is preferable), you can dramatically decrease the spread of pathogens in your household, or at work. You protect yourself, and everyone around you, if you are concerned about spreading germs for any reason.