Holistic Pet Care Colloidal Silver for Dogs, Cats & all Pets (& Their Humans too)
We offer all sizes:
- 16 Ounce spray
- 32 Ounce w/syringe
- 4 Ounce Sample Size with syringe ( Not enough to treat a health condition just enough to try it out)
- 1 Gallon
- 3 Gallon Size- (the 3 gallon is shipping UPS ground and can take a week or so to arrive)
The 32oz HighVibe Silver for Pets with an oral syringe-is our most popular size and price of only$35.00 in a blue PET bottle
Add a small 1.8 silicone dosing bowl for additional $1.00 those pets that prefer to drink it out of a small bowl rather than via oral syringe
Everything except the sample size, 1 gallon and the 3 gallon is shipping out priority mail and typically arrives in 2-3 days via postal service
(Sample is shipped First Class mail and 1 and 3 Gallons are shipped UPS ground)
Colloidal silver by nature can vary in coloration from totally clear, slightly greyish, yellowish or pinkish. This is due to the higher PPM we strive for as well as other variables. Also just the nature of silver to tarnish with exposure to air, heat and other elements. So just be aware that silver is variable slightly and if that happens to your bottle it doesn't effect the medicinal properties whatsoever.
For more about colloidal silver uses in dogs and cats see this post here: Benefits Colloidal Silver.
Our Colloidal Silver for pets is a very special product made in a "High Vibe" environment. After distilling filtered water to remove all the sediment and purifying it, the water is then structured. Structured water has many attributes. Probably one of the main attributes is it has a life force energy. Also, high vibrational quartz crystals and shungite are added to the water while playing Whole Tones Healing frequencies in the production room. When the water enters the silver generators it is already 'tuned into a higher vibration’ When the noble metal silver is added we bring in another healing element which is represented by the nutritive functions on a higher, vibrational level.
Once the HighVibe Silver is bottled it is transferred to positive energy plates based on Tesla technology.
We have recently added more high vibrational aspects with a highend Frequency generator, or so-called "Rife Machine" in the room running programs to enchance health and well being!
It is believed that structuring, sound healing, crystals, Rife frequencies as well as the qualities of silver itself can channel positive energy into the water. When the water experiments of Dr. Emoto were done they observed beautiful crystals forming in the water after offering positive words, playing harmonious music, and showing, playing, or offering pure prayer to water, it changed frequencies and formed beautiful patterns. This concept is how we raise the vibration of our colloidal silver making it a better healing conductor in the body of our pets.
While some manufacturers of colloidal silver make a point to say that their product is being stored and sold in only dark glass bottles, this is not the case for a quality produced colloidal silver such as the one we sell on Holistic Pet Care’s website. Many people don't realize this but colloidal silver plates out in glass, so the silver in the suspension is magnetized to the glass making what silver particles that are still suspended in the water less potent over time. The silver particles are attracted to the glass where this does not happen so much in high end plastic.
As far as viability goes.... It is only necessary to store it in glass when it is a protein fortified and inferior, unstable product. Colloidal Silver that breaks down when exposed to light or falls out of suspension when stored in plastic is inferior and is not recommended. Our Colloidal Silver for Pets does not have these issues and maintains its integrity for very long periods in PET Cobalt Blue bottles. So, anyone saying you must store in glass, either has not done their homework, or has an inferior product.
Customers are always asking me about what the best quality of colloidal silver is. Honestly there is a lot of myths, claims, marketing, and misinformation out there on the internet about colloidal silver these days. There are many marketing ploys that surprise me every time I see them. There is no such thing as only one ‘true colloidal silver’ all the products sold online called colloidal silver are made with electricity. This means they are all a combination of nano-particle silver and ionic silver. The other type is a metallic silver which is larger particles and not used in this way. If you see other types that are called capped silver that have additives or hydrosols etc. these are just all differing forms of marketing and making silver solutions that are do the same thing pretty much regarding pathogens.
The FDA doesn’t allow the pet industry to make any healing or health or claims for any supplements for pets.
So Holistic Pet Care doesn’t make any claims about what our products can help with. Although the benefits are many.
We are not licensed health professionals and do not claim that colloidal silver can treat diseases of any kind- according to the FDA only prescribed drugs administered by licensed physicians can claim healing of any kind. See our Disclaimer here:(DISCLAIMER)
Making any claims that our product can work for any specific infections or diseases, even if this has been the case and proven, would risk putting our supplements in the category of an unapproved new drug.
- For Maintenance: Once daily
- Immune-Building: 2-3 times daily.
- Treating a Specific Health Condition: up to 5 times daily.
- Short Term Acute Support: up to 7 times daily.
Typically add:
Since SIlver is not dose specific, it all depends on what you are treating. However, appx 10 ML ( 2 teaspoons) is a typical dose. For maintenance this can be per every 8-12 ozs of water or as much as the pet will drink in a day.
For using the Colloidal silver spray for dogs or on cats - Spray directly on the area of concern several times a day until results are achieved. Also let your pet drink it in place of water or give by oral syringe and/or add to pets water bowl.
Small Dogs, Cats 2 lbs to 10 lbs - 1 tsp - or half of 10ml syringe two to three times a day for 2 weeks or more 11 lbs to 25 lbs - 1 1/3 tsp Medium Size Dogs 26 lbs to 40 lbs - 2 tsp or 10 ml (one syringe) two to three times a day for 2 weeks or more 41 lbs to 55 lbs - 2 1/2 tsp Large Size Dogs 56 lbs to 80 lbs - 3 tsp, two to three times a day for 2 weeks or more 81 lbs to 100 lbs - 3 1/2 tsp, two to three times a day for 2 weeks or more 101 lbs to 150 lbs - 4 tsp, two to three times a day for for 2 weeks or more 151 lbs to 200+ lbs - 4 tsp, (2 syringes full) two to three times a day for for 2 weeks or more