Homeopathic Nosodes for Dogs

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We now have our Homeopathic nosodes for dogs/puppies from our trusted homeopathic supplier in the UK that also provides our Homeopathic first aid kits. See here: FIRST AID KITS

Our Nosodes for dogs are not a proven preventative or to be used as a proven treatment for these diseases.


Nosodes and Tautodes are NOT vaccine substitutes! They are used as part of a natural immune building protocol.


There is a great deal of evidence implicating vaccination as the cause of many serious chronic health problems. For this reason, we do not recommend a regular vaccination program for dogs or cats. As an alternative to vaccination, I do recommend the use of homeopathic nosodes and/or homeopathic vaccine nosodes or (tautodes they are also called when made from the vaccine and not the virus itself). However, nosodes are NOT a stand alone but an add on treatment that is used along with building natural immunity and not used as a vaccine substitution it's own. Please consult with your holistic or homeopathic vet for more information about using nosodes and building natural immunity in general.

A nosode is just a homeopathic remedy that is made from the actual disease and then very, very, diluted. Nosodes are not in any way infectious, and have been said to be used to prevent viral infection. Under most circumstances, there is no need for nosodes in adult dogs and cats, so their use is generally limited to puppies and kittens. There is, however, a nosode for heartworms, which could be used in adult dogs on an ongoing basis in certain situations as part of a holistic prevention protocol.

When a puppy is healthy and vital, the frequency/vibration of the pet's body is balanced, viruses and pathogens have a much harder time taking ahold and creating that dis-ease. It out of alignment with the 'Vital Force' as mentioned in homeopathy, created by poor diet, drugs, flea meds and especially vaccinations, that create the susceptibility to disease and opens up the door to all those organisms that cause these illnesses in the first place.

These are each a 2 oz bottles of liquid Homeopathic Nosodes for dogs for $20.99. One bottle would last the entire puppyhood most likely.

The Parvo and Distemper Nosodes have been found to be the most effective. Especially when started very young.

The following schedule may be started as young as four to eight weeks of age. Week one is the week of the first dose, not the age of the puppy. Give the indicated nosode each week, on the same days of the week.

A dose is  typically 6-8 drops of liquid nosodes given orally directly into the mouth on the gums. ( Or a dropperful)

In all cases, food should not be given for 15 minutes before or after the dose. You may find marking the calendar helpful in planning your administration.

Homeopathic remedies are NOT dose specific. A few drops or a dropperful is going to do the same thing. Do succus your remedy before use however, to increase the effectiveness-Succussion is a medical term used in chemistry and homeopathy, and it refers to the intense shaking process used to increase the effectiveness of a remedy. Hit from the bottom of the bottle about 10-30 times

Below are some basic guidelines for dosing:

Parvo and Distemper Nosodes:
Give your young companion a dose of a 30c Parvo or Distemper nosode once a week on the gums directly in the mouth (give each different nosode) a few days apart until they are 7 months old up til about 1 year old. Thereafter repeat every 2-4 weeks until a year or so. 3-4 drops or sprays in mouth or drops per 20 lbs. of body weight, once a week from 3-4 weeks old- or when you first acquire a puppy until about 7 months old to one year old.

Dosage is entirely dependent upon individual needs and circumstances. Give more often in a situation where there is a parvo or distemper threat. Give before trips to the dog park or other exposure

Give your young companion a dose of a 30c nosode once a week (give each different nosode)a few days apart until they are 7-8 months old.For instance give the parvo nosode every Monday - give the distemper nosode every Thursday.

Thereafter repeat every 2-4 weeks until a year or so.

3-4 drops or sprays in mouth or drops per 20 lbs. of body weight, once a week from 3-4 weeks old- or when you first acquire a puppy until about 7 months

Repeat this regimen until the animal is appx. 9 months to one year of age.

This should be sufficient for the life of the dog, but the nosodes may be repeated at any time risk of exposure is high.

Heartworm Nosodes:

Heartworm Nosode is another holistic addition to your pet's health regimen, designed to complement natural heartworm prevention protocols. This homeopathic remedy is specifically formulated to help keep heartworm larvae at bay, offering your beloved dog an extra layer of protection.

While the effectiveness of nosodes in preventing heartworm is yet to be proven through scientific means, the concept aligns with successful holistic practices observed in the prevention and treatment of other ailments such as kennel cough, parvo, and both canine and feline distemper. Many kennels have reported significant benefits using nosodes for these conditions, showcasing their potential in enhancing your pet's health naturally.

Incorporate our Heartworm Nosode into your pet's holistic health program as a proactive measure to maintain their well-being and vitality. It's a simple, natural step towards ensuring your dog enjoys a happy, healthy life free from the concerns of heartworm.

Recommended dosing per weight for dogs:

  • over 100 lbs: 5 drops given at one time is one dose.
  • 50 lbs up to 100 lbs: 4 drops given at one time is one dose.
  • 10 lbs up to 50 lbs: 3 drops given at one time is one dose.
  • Under 10 lbs: 2 drops given at one time is one dose.

At Risk / long-term maintenance: Give once weekly as a protection dose.

Exposure dose: One dose daily.

Symptom dose: Suggested dose for dogs with symptoms: One dose 2-4 times daily.

Kennel Cough Nosodes:

Usually, the kennel cough nosode is given before a possible exposure to other dogs, such as before a boarding stay.

Kennel cough is very much like the common cold in children. It is no fun but it is not fatal and really it is not necessary to vaccinate against it. The symptoms are basically a honking cough that can last a few weeks. We recommend the kennel cough nosode to help mitigate the symptoms, lemon and honey cough syrup and colloidal silver.

Many kennel owners, training centers, puppy classes and even groomers will ask you to get your dog vaccinated for kennel cough before you can bring them into their facility. More and more they are accepting nosodes as a replacement for the kennel cough vaccine.

One dropperful twice a day for 3 days before exposure or preventatively, thereafter one dose weekly for 6 weeks, then one dose monthly for 6 months or when in contact with the disease give 1-2 x daily if they have kennel cough.

Dog Combo Nosode:

Although I personally do not recommend giving nosodes in combinations many pet parents ask for this as their holistic vets mentioned it or they want to try this method of nosode dosing due to research or reading online so we do offer this option

Canine Combo - includes Distemper, Adenovirus, Lepto, Parainfluenza, Parvo Virus, Corona, Bordetella (A Nosode is a Homeopathic "Immunization" as opposed to a "Vaccine".) This remedy has been given a bit differently than the recommendation for parvo and distemper.  It can be given once daily for 3 days, then once per week for 4 weeks, then once per month thereafter. 5−10 drops on gums, once per month til about 7 months to 1 year, after the initial dosing protocol.

Leptospirosis nosode 30c:

Recommended for use along with other remedies. The nosode is said to help to prevent the build up of leptospirae bacteria in the kidneys.

Suggested use:
One dose(5 drops to one dropperful)  twice daily for three days,
Then one dose weekly for six weeks,
Then one dose monthly for six months.
This should be repeated every year.

If in contact with disease: One dose twice daily.

What are Nosodes? Nosode Vaccines?

Nosodes are homeopathic medicines. They are used like any other homeopathic remedy, however, no provings exist for veterinary nosodes or nosode vaccines. (Provings are also known as homeopathic pathogenic trials.)

Nosodes are completely safe, easy to administer, and can be given to puppies much earlier than vaccines. Pregnant females can be treated with nosodes prior to giving birth, helping to provide some of the natural immunity to their litters before they are born.

The difference between a nosode and a conventional vaccine is that there are no dangerous chemicals and additives in the homeopathic remedy. Nosodes are also given orally whereas core vaccines are injected. Nosodes can be used in two ways: to protect against disease (called homeoprophylaxis), or as a remedy should the animal become ill. Nosodes restore health through vibrational energy. They interact with the body’s energy reserves, recalibrating positive and negative forces within the energy field and stimulating the body to heal and protect itself.

When a nosode is given, the body recognizes the cellular structure and disease imprint, producing an immune response similar to actual exposure to the disease itself. Although this is difficult to prove scientifically, there are numerous examples of how nosodes have been used in homeoprophylaxis and to treat the onset of disease.

A nosode could be described as an "oral vaccine" in the sense that its purpose is to "immunize" the body against a specific disease. The major difference between a nosode and an "orthodox" vaccine is of course the extremely small (if any) quantity of physical substance in a nosode. Remember, it is the "energy" pattern not the "substance" that does the job in a homeopathic remedy.

The alarming increase in autoimmune conditions, allergies, cancer and other canine health issues due to vaccine reactions is a known fact. Pet owners are now seeking alternatives to keep their dogs healthy while preventing disease and illness. The growing interest in nosodes comes at a time when the safety and efficacy of vaccines are being questioned.

As an integral part of the homeopathic family, nosodes are dog friendly for several reasons. Because their action works across the mucous membranes of the mouth, it is not necessary to swallow the medicine. Dosing is easy since the mouth doesn’t have to be opened and the remedy can be placed on the gum or inside the lip. The single dose powder is sweet tasting.

The immune response to nosodes offers a more natural response to disease without the introduction of killed or modified viruses and harmful preservatives that can weaken the immune system. Unlike vaccines, nosodes are both safe and effective.

Building Natural Immunity

After the age of 12 weeks or starting right at 12 weeks, pups are brought to a populated dog park. They are set down for just a couple of minutes in the dog park with a minute or two to sniff around.

The puppy is then brought home. The following week ( or even after a day or two) the same thing happens, same busy park, five minutes on the ground, sniffing around, etc. picked up and brought home. ( I do this increasing the time by a few minutes each time)

Typically a few exposures are enough to get life-long immunity. You can continue this for a third week, or the fourth. Then if you want to know for sure have your puppy titer tested. ( Check out Dr. John Robb's website, http://www.protectthepets.com/

Basically, titers are measuring antibodies for distemper and parvo. This exposure is done along with using Nosodes to immunize against, parvo and distemper, is this natural exposure along with two helpers to make it extra safe, nosodes for parvo and distemper once per week and colloidal silver in their water daily so that the immune system is really on high alert., so no chance of disease.

We recommend to raise the animal in such a way as to promote good health. This means a natural, raw species appropriate diet, adequate exercise and fresh air, no vaccinations and judicious use colloidal silver and other immune boosters, raising the vibration to a frequency where disease ( and parasites) is not a problem. However, using a natural dewormer for about 3-4 weeks can eliminate any type of parasite load the puppy might have come with to you.

Tautodes are different than the nosode  Tautodes are made from the vaccination itself and not from the actual virus it is targeting. They are used by pet owners who have an animal who they feel must be re-vaccinated, for whatever reason.To help mitigate the vaccinosis effects.Tautodes begin as drugs or vaccines that are made into remedies by dilution according to homeopathic principles. Tautodes can be used therapeutically or preventively. Because of ultra-dilution, they are free of infectious potential.

Our usage here for the Rabies Tautode is for prevention of vaccination illness, i.e. vaccinosis. The tautode are made from the actual vaccine. THIS IS NOT A RABIES VACCINE substitute.   

Rabies Vaccine Tautode 30C: 2-3 days prior to vaccination with rabies. Shake before using. you'll give a dropperful orally (or 3 ml in syringe) night-morning-night, for a total of three diluted doses, all in 24 hours. That’s about 12 hours apart.Final dose: Rabies Vaccine Tautode 30C: ASAP after vaccination. give a single dose of the above dilution. You can also give homeopathic Lyssin, which is the homeopathic remedy made from the actual rabies virus, give that as well the day of the rabies vaccine. homeopathic thuja 30c and herbal milk thistle or tincture the day before and after. This should stem the ill effects of the vaccination without interfering with its ability to confer immunity.

Please do not view vaccination as benign, even with this protocol. It is not. Once you have a vaccinated animal, I do not recommend repeating vaccinations throughout life. To do so puts your animal at risk for developing or worsening chronic disease. While nosodes are very safe (unlike vaccines), they should only cautiously be given to unhealthy animals or animals on constitutional homeopathic treatment. Check with your veterinary homeopath before using them.

Nosodes vs Vaccines

We know that they are a safe alternative to vaccines, and that they have been proven for homeoprophylaxis in human clinical studies. However, for pets the reason they are not a stand-alone is because you also must be building the immune system through diet, other supplements, slow exposure etc.

You can use the nosode vaccines, the tautodes also to help mitigate the negative side effects of certain vaccines that are required for travel or by law.

We do know that nosodes for dogs are safe and do benefit the pet’s health by not negatively affecting the immune system as do allopathic vaccines. If we are willing to take the time to build our puppies natural immunity while using nosodes, nosodes are gaining popularity among holistic veterinarians and pet owners who are willing to give them a serious chance.

So the bottom line: ‘Can homeopathic nosodes substitute for vaccines’? What we do know is nosodes are working to a certain level of efficacy which unquestionably deserves further study and data compilation.


Homeopathy is not dose specific actually. So it is not possible to give too much- These doses are approximate amounts.

Parvo and Distemper Nosodes

Give a dose of 6-8 drops of 30c Parvo or Distemper nosode once a week (give each different nosode) a few days apart until they are 7 months old up til about 1 year old. Thereafter repeat every 2-4 weeks until a year or so. Appx. 3-4 drops or sprays in mouth or drops per 20 lbs. of body weight, once a week from 3-4 weeks old- or when you first acquire a puppy until about 7 months old to one year old.

Rabies Vaccine Tautode 30C

: 2-3 days prior to vaccination with rabies. Shake before using. you'll give a dropperful orally (or 3 ml in syringe) night-morning-night, for a total of three diluted doses, all in 24 hours. That’s about 12 hours apart. Final dose: Rabies Vaccine Tautode 30C: ASAP after vaccination. give a single dose of the above dilution. You can also give homeopathic Lyssin, which is the homeopathic remedy made from the actual rabies virus, give that as well the day of the rabies vaccine. homeopathic thuja 30c and herbal milk thistle or tincture the day before and after. This should stem the ill effects of the vaccination without interfering with its ability to confer immunity.

Heartworm Nosode

Heartworm Nosodes: This nosode can be included in your pets holistic health program to help with heartworm concerns along with other natural heartworm prevention protocols. Recommended dosing per weight for dogs: over 100 lbs: 5 drops given at one time is one dose. 50 lbs up to 100 lbs: 4 drops given at one time is one dose. 10 lbs up to 50 lbs: 3 drops given at one time is one dose. Under 10 lbs: 2 drops given at one time is one dose. At Risk / long-term maintenance: Give once weekly as a protection dose. Exposure dose: One dose daily.

Dog Combo Nosode

Give once daily for 3 days, then once per week for 4 weeks, then once per month thereafter. 5−10 drops on gums, once per month til about 1 year, after the initial dosing protocol.