What Can I Give My Dog that is Natural for Fever?

What Can I Give My Dog that is Natural for Fever?

Sep 27, 2023

As a HighVibe pet parent, it's essential to know what constitutes a normal temperature for your furry companion. Just like us, dogs can experience fluctuations in body temperature. The ability to note temperature fluctuations can help you detect potential health issues early on.

However, a fever  can be a indication that your dog's immune system is trying to eliminate some toxin or pathogen  So, if it is not a super high temp (103°F or above), it can actually be good indication  that your pet's body is fighting off something it needs to get rid of.

If your dog seems to ok just have keep an eye on how the pup is doing, and make sure that the dog is drinking and staying hydrated. You may want to give some colloidal silver or other natural treatment such as a homeopathic remedy, elder berry syrup or honey to help bring down the fever at this point.

What Is Normal Dog Temperature?

But how do you know if your furry friend has a fever? How can you take their temperature? Importantly, how do you know whether or not it is a normal temperature? A dog's normal body temperature ranges between 99.5°F to 102.5°F. However, the baseline can vary slightly depending on your dog's breed, age, and activity level. It's crucial to establish your dog's baseline temperature when they are healthy to better gauge any deviations.

How Do You Tell if a Dog Has a Fever?

Detecting a fever in your furry companion is crucial for their well-being. Dogs can't verbally communicate when they feel unwell. So it's up to you, the pet owner, to look for subtle signs that may indicate a fever.

Common indicators to watch for include:

  • Red eyes: One noticeable sign of a fever in dogs is red, bloodshot eyes. If you observe this change in your dog's eye color, it could be a signal of an elevated body temperature.
  • Lethargy/lack of energy: A dog with a fever will often exhibit lethargy and a lack of energy. If your usually active pup suddenly becomes unusually sluggish and uninterested in play or exercise, it's a red flag.
  • Warm ears: Check your dog's ears. If they feel unusually warm to the touch, it may suggest an elevated body temperature. Compare them to their normal temperature when they are healthy to make a more accurate assessment.
  • Shivering: While shivering can occur for various reasons, including cold weather, fever can also trigger shivering in dogs as their bodies attempt to regulate their temperature.
  • Loss of appetite: A dog with a fever may lose interest in food. If your furry friend suddenly refuses their meals or eats significantly less than usual, it's cause for concern.
  • Coughing: Persistent coughing, especially when accompanied by other signs on this list, can be indicative of an underlying issue, including fever.
  • Vomiting: Vomiting can be a symptom of fever. If your dog is vomiting along with other signs mentioned here, consult a veterinarian.

How To Take a Dog’s Temperature

Unlike humans, it can be uncomfortable to take an accurate temperature reading for your dog. Also, you can’t hold the thermometer under their tongue. What if they quickly chew it?

Well, the best way to take the temperature of your dog is to insert a lubricated thermometer into your dog's rectum.

Here are the steps to take:

  • Step 1 Gather your supplies: You'll need a digital thermometer, petroleum jelly or water-based lubricant, and some treats to reward your dog afterward.
  • Step 2 Prepare our dog: Make sure your dog is calm and relaxed. You may need an extra pair of hands to help hold your pup steady.
  • Step 3 Lubricate the thermometer: Apply a small amount of lubricant to the thermometer's tip to make it more comfortable for your dog.
  • Step 4 Insert the thermometer: Gently lift your dog's tail and insert the thermometer into their rectum. Be careful not to push it too far. Hold it in place for about a minute or until you hear a beep, indicating the reading is complete.
  • Step 5 Read the temperature: Check the thermometer's display for the temperature reading. Remember, a normal temperature falls within the range mentioned earlier.
  • Step 6 Reward your dog: Afterward, give your dog plenty of praise and treats to make the experience more positive.

If you feel uncomfortable doing this, I recommend leaving the procedure to your veterinarian. Also, the temperature reading might be inaccurate due to fecal accumulation in the rectum. If you feel the reading is inaccurate, try the procedure again.

What Is a Natural Treatment For A Dog With A Fever?

When your beloved canine companion is running a fever, you naturally want to help them feel better as quickly.

The first thing you can do is cool down your dog by putting cool water on their paws and cool pads on the the ears. A cool rag or towel is fine. Continue to check your dogs temperature, and when it goes below 103, you can stop applying the water. See if your pooch will also drink a bit of water.

CBD oil, vitamin C, Elderberry syrup and honey are all good supplements to have on hand for 

At Holistic Pet Care, we offer Homeopathic remedies that can give a practical and gentle approach to alleviate your dog's fever symptoms.

Homeopathic remedies are typically available in liquid form. This allows for faster absorption and effectiveness. This means that when you administer the remedy, it can start working swiftly to address your dog's discomfort.

Importantly, homeopathic remedies are safe for your dog. They are derived from natural substances and are known for having minimal to no side effects. This is reassuring when caring for your furry friend.

Best still, these remedies come in a convenient dropper bottle. They are dissolved in purified water and preserved with a small amount of organic alcohol. This dropper bottle makes it easy to administer the remedy to your dog.

Here are some homeopathic remedies for treating fevers in dogs:

  • Ferr Phos
  • Gelsemium
  • Belladonna
  • Phosphorous
  • Arsenicum
  • Aconite
  • Bryonia

Homeopathic treatment can be valuable in helping your dog recover from fever and return to their happy, healthy self.

Natural Remedy to Prevent Abnormal Temperatures in Dogs

Many health issues in pets can be traced back to various factors in their environment. These include:

  • Improper diet
  • Over-vaccination/toxins
  • Environmental chemicals
  • Overuse of pharmaceutical drugs
  • Genetic predispositions

I have observed that the body's own immune system plays a critical role in keeping healthy. It is the primary agent of healing, and your dog’s ability to fight fever and related issues will come from the body itself. Hence, I can confidently say that your dog's immune system is the only true cure.

While I believe in treating fever in pets when it needs it, I also feel it is important to understand that fever is the bodies what of eliminating toxins.

I recommend strengthening their immune system to prevent diseases. Our Colloidal silver (CS) is an effective all-around immune system booster. I have seen results when pet owners administer the remedy to their pets gradually, increasing the dosage according to the severity of the illness. The CS will enhance the pet body’s natural self-healing capacity.

If you don't want to witness unnecessary temperature fluctuations in your dog again, check out more about our  colloidal silver here. In addition to pet supplementation, the CS will significantly boost your dog's immunity against fever causes and related illnesses. 

holistic pet care, best highvibe colloidal silver, natural pet remedies, naturopathic pet remedies.