Homeopathic Remedies For Dogs and Cats
2 ounce cobalt glass bottle with eye dropper
Here at Holistic Pet Care, we offer homeopathic remedies in their liquid form for faster absorption and effectiveness. They come in a dropper bottle in which the remedy is dissolved in distilled water preserved with a small amount of organic alcohol.
The liquid form is most easiest form for the pet's body to absorb, so the remedies can start working faster.
Homeopathy is a very safe, effective, and often quick way to alleviate a wide range of your pet's symptoms when they are not feeling right.
Use homeopathy to treat many health concernswithout the side-effects of drugs.
We highly recommend you do your own reading and research to learn more about using homeopathic remedies for pets. There is a bit of an understanding of how they work etc. that is helpful when using homeopathy.
Homeopathic Remedy Usage Instructions
For effective results, follow these guidelines until the condition improves:
For Acute or Severe Conditions:
- Administer 5 drops every 3 to 4 hours.
For Chronic or Ongoing Conditions:
- Use 5 drops twice daily.
Important Note for Administration:
Ensure the mouth is free from any food or residues, except water, for at least 15 minutes before and after taking the remedy. This helps maintain the effectiveness of the homeopathic medicine.
Quick Homeopathic Remedy Guide:
Issues | Remedy |
Minor wounds in general Shock in general Shock from blood loss |
Calendula Aconitum napellus Arnica |
Dry Cough-where breathing is difficult and lungs are painful Kennel Cough-Barking or deep spasmodic cough that ends with the animal gagging Cough with vomiting -Coughing produces retching or reflex vomiting and possible blood in vomit |
Byronia Drosera Ipecac |
Deeper puncture wounds and cuts with jagged edges. Is an excellent remedy to give for any pain due to nerve damage or injuries to nerve-rich areas | Hypericum perforatum |
Trauma including bleeding and possible bruising | Arnica montana |
Travel or motion sickness Nausea and vomiting |
Cocculus Ipecac |
Bumpy, itchy rash-for arthritis that’s better after moving around, general musculoskeletal injuries, red swollen eyes, skin infections and skin itching. | Rhus toxicodendron |
Stung area is swollen, bruised and painful.
Stung area is very inflamed and appears blistered Allergic reaction to the sting Stung area is red, feels hot and swollen Hot, red swelling- insect stings or bites. Bee or hornet sting Fleas-Psorinum can help to repel and control fleas on dogs and cats naturally Skin Itching-Sulphur is a good general remedy to use in most cases and where there is afleaallergy problem. |
Arnica montana followed by:Ledum-Cantharis
Apis mellifica Apis mellifica Apis mellifica Psorinum Sulphur |
Eyes- helps in treating allergy symptoms like watering of eyes and bland discharges. It even provides instant relief from burning sensation in eyes and helps in having a clear vision. Gums-Inflammation of the gums Teeth-Can be used to soften, help prevent and slow down the formation of plaque on the teeth of dogs and cats. |
Euphrasia Merc Corr Fragaria |
Inflamed, painful infected wounds. Where there is pus- is wonderful to treat painful abscesses anywhere on the body and painful infected anal glands. | Hepar sulphur |
The first choice for any type of puncture wound, including those from insect bites. Insect bites that require Apis will be hot and red whereas bites that require Ledum will be cool and appears bruised. Can help to mitigate reactions to the rabies vaccine |
Ledum Lyssin |
Bruises & Sprains:
- Arnica
- Ledum
- Ruta
- Symphytum
Cuts &Wounds:
- Calendula
- Hypericum
- Ledum
- Phosphorous
- Staphysagria
Fractures & Breaks:
- Arnica
- Ledum
- Silica
- Symphytum
- Aconite
- Arsenicum
- Belladonna
- Bryonia
- Ferr Phos
- Gelsemium
- Phosphorous
Ear Infections:
- Aconite
- Belladonna
- Chamomilla
- Hep Sulph
- Ledum
- Pulsatilla
- Silica
Tummy problems:
- Arsenicum
- Bryonia
- China
- Colocynthis
- Ipecac
- Lycopodium
- Nat Mur
- Nux Vomica
- Phosphorus
- Pulsatilla
- Silica
- Sulphur
Indigestion & Heartburn:
- Arsenicum
- Bryonia
- Carbo Veg
- Lycopodium
- Nux Vomica
- Pulsatilla
Stress & Anxiety:
- Arsenicum
- Gelsemium
- Ignatia
- Nat Mur
- Silica
Travel Sickness
- Bryonia
- Cocculus
- Nux Vomica
Eye Issues
- Apis
- Arnica
- Euphrasia
- Hep Sulph
- Ledum
- Pulsatilla
- Silica
- Aconite
- Bryonia
- Drosera
- Hep Sulph
- Ipecac
- Phos
- Pul
- Spongia
Detox from vaccines
- Thuja
- Lyssin
- Silicia
Remedies and Uses:
Aconite Symptoms:
- fear
- storms
- panic
- shock
- fever
- Symptoms:
- injury
- concussion
- fall
- sprain
- surgery
Apis Mel
- Symptoms:
- edema
- swelling
- heat & redness
- pain
- bee sting
- Symptoms:
- vomiting
- pancreatitis
- diarrhea
- poisoning
- bloody stool
Merc Corr Symptoms:
- Bloody diarrhea
- Ear infection
- Cystitis
- Mouth ulcer
- Gum inflammation
Ipecac Symptoms:
- Nausea
- Retching and Vomiting
- Travel sickness
- Cough with vomiting
Nat Mur Symptoms:
- stubborn
- sensitive
- grumpy
- anti-social
- withdrawn
Nux Vomica Symptoms:
- back pain irritable
- impatient
- rigid muscles
- stressed
- vomiting
- upset
- fear of fireworks
- abandonment`
- anxiety
- bleeding
- exhaustion
Pulsatilla Symptoms:
- insecure
- anxiety
- separation
- hormone imbalance
- false pregnancy
Rhus Tox Symptoms:
- weight loss/gain
- lumps/warts
- bad breath
- gum disease
- vomiting
Silicia Symptoms:
- tissue wound
- broken bones
- injured tendons
- congestion
Sulfur Symptoms:
- diarrhea
- allergies
- itchiness
- irritated skin
- coughs
Thuja Symptoms:
- papillomas
- viruses
- lesions
- warts
- mouth warts
To learn more about Homeopathy for Dogs check out this site: HOMEOPATHY FOR DOGS